On 10.11.2020, it was held via video conference, on the 13ο Seminar on combating racism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism between the European Union and Israel.
In 2018 it was decided with the "Council Declaration on Combating Anti-Semitism and Developing a Common Strategy for the Better Protection of European Jewish Communities and Institutions" that a Seminar on this topic be held every year, so that the EU Member States adopt and implement "a holistic strategy to prevent and tackle all forms of anti-Semitism as part of their strategy to combat racism, xenophobia, radicalism and violent extremism". 14 European countries are in the process of adopting or have already adopted strategies or have integrated specific plans to combat anti-Semitism into their broader strategy against racism and violent extremism. European and Israeli experts participate in the Seminar, who discuss issues related to best practices, but also the measures to be taken to combat racism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism.
The Greek Special Envoy for Anti-Semitism, Dr. Efstathios Lianos – Liantis, signed, together with his European and international counterparts, a letter-invitation to football clubs to adopt the Definition of IHRA on Anti-Semitism "to support the international effort to combat anti-Semitism". The initiative was started by Lord John Mann, the British government's adviser on anti-Semitism.
The letter highlights that major football teams in the British Premier League are adopting the Definition and signing it at public events. THE Chelsea was the first group to proceed with this initiative (photo) and was followed by West Ham and Bournemouth. In Germany the initiative started with Borussia Dortmund, while other national and international groups intend to announce the adoption of the Definition soon.
The social media platform Facebook has announced that it will henceforth ban any post that misrepresents or denies the events of the Holocaust.
In a Facebook post, tech giant founder Mark Zuckerberg announced: “Today we're revising our hate speech policy to ban Holocaust deniers.
We have long taken down posts that condoned hate crimes or mass murders, including the Holocaust. However, with the rise of anti-Semitism, we are expanding our policy to ban any content that denies or misrepresents the Holocaust. If users search for the word Holocaust on Facebook, we will redirect them to official sources to get accurate information. I struggled with the tension between freedom of expression and the harm caused by downplaying or denying the horrors of the Holocaust. My thinking progressed as I saw data showing an increase in anti-Semitic violence, as well as the expansion of our hate speech policies. It's not always honest to draw the right lines between what is and what isn't acceptable, but in this particular word I think that's the right balance."
On 16 September 2020, during her State of the Union address, President Ursula von der Leyen said: “Progress in the fight against racism and hatred is fragile — hard to come by, but very easy to lose. So now is the time to make changes. To build a truly anti-racist Union — condemning racism, but also taking action. And the Commission is proposing an action plan to begin implementing this goal."
In her 2020 State of the Union address, President von der Leyen announced a new EU action plan against racism, which sets out a series of measures for the next five years. Among other things, the Commission will ensure that Member States fully implement the relevant EU legislation and will further strengthen the legal framework if necessary. This could be particularly the case in sectors not yet covered by anti-discrimination legislation, such as law enforcement. The Commission also calls on Member States to maximize the use of all the tools at their disposal, in particular the funding available under the next long-term EU budget and the Next Generation EU instrument. The action plan brings together actors at all levels to fight racism more effectively in Europe, including through the adoption of national action plans against racism.
The European Commission welcomes the decision of the TikTok platform, which publishes videos of its users, to adopt it European Union Code of Conduct for Combating Illegal Hate Speech Online. Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders said in a statement: "TikTok by signing the EU Code of Conduct demonstrates its strong commitment to tackling illegal hate speech online. The EU needs strong partnerships with big companies to make the online environment safe for everyone."
TikTok is the ninth company after Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Dailymotion and Jeuxvideo to comply with the EU Code of Conduct, which in 2006 led tech companies to identify 90% of such hateful content within 24 hours and remove 71% of illegal hate speech.
*Translated from an announcement on its website European Commission