The Greek participation in the 29th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies held from November 4 to 6, 2024 in Vienna was dynamic.
The theme of the Round Table was "How can we make the invisible visible using new technologies? Reflection on Europe's Lost Jewish Communities and Their Lost Cultural Heritage" in the context of which excellent presentations were made.
The following topics on Greek Jewry were also presented during the conference: "Digital Preservation of Synagogues in Greece" by Ilias Messina (HERE the paper) that won the Best Paper Award, "Looking for traces of the Jewish presence in Thessaloniki" by Xenia Eleftheriou (HERE the introduction) and "Thrace, Northern Greece: Architectural traces of Jewish worship and memory" by D. Polychronopoulou, M. Grigoriadou, A. Kapandritis, I. Aspioti, and E. Cetinje (HERE the proposal).
The presidency of the Round Table was held by: Sultana Zorpidou, Elisabeth Monamy, Bert Brouwenstijn, Daniel Stiller.
You can see the conference program HERE
*Information from Sultan Zorpidou's Press Release