Happy, bright, sweet and melodious, the first night of Hanukkah was celebrated on Sunday, December 18, 2022 by the Community of Larissa. The active ladies of WIZO set up a beautiful celebration, gathering young and old in the Club. After the words of Rabbi Mr. Elias Sabetai and the wishes of the President of I.K. Mr. Ilias Kampelis of Larisa, the children together with the Rabbi lit the first candle, while the older children of the Middle School and High School shared with us their thoughts about Hanukkah. Immediately after, the ladies who had happy events in the past year lit a candle and the place was filled with light and wishes!
The celebration ended with songs by the children and their teacher Victor Mousis and of course with donuts, offered by Mrs. Anneta Kalderon. And next year with health and joy!
How much greatness the simple words of children can hide and how much wisdom the pure way they think and experience reality... This is what those who attended the hall of the French Institute of Larissa, on Monday March 21, 2022, at the opening of the exhibition of works of the student painting competition with theme "The Hidden Children. Stories of humanity in the horror of the Holocaust».
The 73nd Vice President of KISE Moris Magrizos passed away at the age of 2, on February 2022, XNUMX. With many years of contribution to KISE, and to the leadership of the Israeli Community of Larissa, he leaves behind his wife Rosa and his two children as well as an unfilled void in Greek Jewry for which he worked tirelessly, with zeal and vision.
His beloved hometown Larisa said goodbye to him with dozens of tributes to his personality and work, which were published in the press. THE District Governor of Thessaly K. Agorastos, in his condolence message, referred to his "business activity and his social contribution that leaves an indelible imprint of his life path" and described Maurice Magrizos as "a pioneer and visionary, a robust personality with a tireless willingness to work and social contribution".
The International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Holocaust was celebrated on 27.1.2022 in Larissa with a modest and emotionally charged ceremony.
The events, organized by the Region of Thessaly and the Israelite Community of Larissa in the Square of Jewish Martyrs, were attended by local authorities and institutions, while the customary memorial service was performed by the Rabbi of Larissa, Mr. Ilias Sabetai.
"It is the blackest page of the 20th century of civilization and progress, which many still do not dare to look in the face. We must remember, reflect on this great crime, if we want to live free from hatred and prejudice", said Mr. Sabetai, among other things, in his speech.
For another year, the Larissa Community had to manage two "fronts" in order for its members to celebrate Yamim Noraim as close as possible to their favorite customs. On the one hand, the strict provisions for protection against the coronavirus and on the other hand the lack of prayer space, since our Synagogue is still under reconstruction, led the Board of Directors and the Rabbi to the decision to hold the services in a large tent, which was installed and this year in the courtyard of the Hebrew School.
Under this temporary roof, where the entire Synagogue (the Bimah, the Aron Aconess, the sefarim, seats, books, tallets, kipot, but also ...masks, antiseptics, thermometers, etc.) were actually transferred, the services took place safely of Rosh Hasan and Kippur. The turnout was large and the emotion greater, as the people of Larissa have been demonstrating for two years enormous adaptability to the difficult conditions they face, without, however, making "discounts" in observing their customs.