The Mayor of Thessaloniki Konstantinos Zervas, the president of KISE and I.K. Thessaloniki David Saltiel and the chairman of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Holocaust Museum Foundation Yannis Boutaris spoke to journalist Dimitris Lazopoulos about the issue of the solution to the ownership issue that had arisen for the construction of the Holocaust Museum in Thessaloniki. The interview was published on Macedonia of Sunday on 30.8.2020.
Below we republish the statements of the president of KISE:
""The record time has... record years", says the president of KISE and I.K. to "MtK". Thessaloniki Mr. David Saltiel, remembering the first announcement of the project in 2013.
Commenting on the decision of the Municipality, he argues that "if the deed is done, I think it is very important, because we will be able to do everything necessary to get the permit (including reconstruction)" and then draw up the tender documents.
The relocation of the Hellenic Holocaust Museum, from the original construction site to a more central one within the same building block that had been chosen for its construction, was decided by a majority in the early hours of the morning by the municipal council of the municipality of Thessaloniki during a meeting held via video conference.
The decision to relocate to a municipal plot was taken so as not to waste further time regarding the development of the project, as the Museum was planned to be erected in 2013 in the area of the old railway station, on a property owned by GAIAOSE SA, which was leased for this purpose in the Israeli Community of Thessaloniki.
In the course of the implementation of the project, problems arose with its location, with the accessibility of its facilities, but also with the securing of an area for the creation of a parking space, which is a condition for the licensing and operation of the Museum.
Another step towards the construction of the Holocaust Museum is expected to take place on Monday 24.8.2020 with the filing of a memorandum of cooperation between the central municipality, GAIOSE, and the Israeli Community of Thessaloniki.
The object of this memorandum is the location of the Holocaust Museum of Greece on the property of GAIAOSE S.A. within the Municipality of Thessaloniki. In more detail, the memorandum allows the relocation of the initial construction point of the project to a more central point in order, as the municipality notes, to give the building additional dynamics, but also to solve problems, such as accessibility and the creation of the parking space, which is a prerequisite for the licensing and operation of the Museum.
This displacement presupposes, as stated in the relevant description, the use of a surface area of approximately 10 acres of public space owned by the Municipality of Thessaloniki.
Ο mayor had announced the solution proposed by the memorandum, stating at the beginning of June in his presentation to the municipal council: "It seems that we are moving forward with a solution with the utilization of a neighboring property of the municipality, so that the Holocaust Museum with the shortest possible procedures can start and it also has the necessary space for its construction and for any other functions, such as parking, traffic regulations" (see HERE).
"I feel both French and Thessalonian and therefore a citizen of the world. Let us never forget these roots, let us never forget these great men, like Moses Allatini, who defended and fought for the city, the country and the culture for all". With these words, Laurent Dassault, the businessman of the famous Dassault dynasty, expressed his emotion during the unveiling of the bust of his ancestor, Moses Allatini, which now adorns the gardens of Bila Allatini, where the seat of the Central Macedonia Region is housed. The bust, which is made of bronze and is the work of the sculptor Dina Anastasiadou, is a donation of the French businessman himself.
"I came in 2012 to Thessaloniki to inaugurate with my mother, my brothers and sisters the great hall of the French Institute which was renamed Dassault-Allatini, to honor my family's origins in this city. I return today with emotion to pay tribute to this amazing man, this humanist you all know, Moses Allatini.
"It is an extremely important initiative for Greece, for the city of Thessaloniki, given the central role that the Jewish community has played in the history of Thessaloniki," said US Ambassador to Greece Jeffrey Pyatt about the Holocaust Museum project, which is to be to be erected in Thessaloniki.
Mr. Payat met, on the afternoon of Thursday 9.7.20, at the Jewish Museum of Thessaloniki, with the president of the Central Jewish Council of Greece and the Israeli Community of Thessaloniki, David Saltiel, and also with the president of the board of directors of the Holocaust Museum Foundation, former mayor Thessaloniki Yiannis Boutaris and was informed about the various issues related to the implementation of the project. The US consul general in Thessaloniki, Greg Flegger, was also present at the meeting.
In his statements to the Athenian/Macedonian News Agency, after the end of the meeting, the American ambassador underlined the importance of implementing the project, stated that he was happy that the Deputy Prime Minister Panagiotis Pikrammenos has taken a leading role in this project and expressed the certainty that there will be very strong collaboration between the Holocaust Museum in Washington and the Museum to be built in Thessaloniki.