The page of the Thessaloniki Tourism Organization will also provide information in Hebrew, since the Israeli Community announced that it will translate the texts of the city's official travel guide free of charge (
The above emerged from the meeting that took place in the context of the preparation of the strategic tourism marketing plan of Thessaloniki. This is the 7th consultation co-organized by the Tourism Research Laboratory "TourLab" of the International University of Greece and the Thessaloniki Tourism Organization.
Hebrew will be the 8th language in which the information about Thessaloniki will be translated, as in a few days we are expected to see the texts in Serbian as well (for now the guide is translated into: English, Spanish, German, Chinese and Russian) .
The course of its construction Holocaust Museum was at the center of a wide-ranging meeting that took place, today 12.5.2020, in the town hall of Thessaloniki between service agents and executives of the companies that have undertaken the project management of the project, in the presence of the mayor Konstantinos Zervas and his technical advisor Dimitris Mitrou.
Mr. Zervas reaffirmed the undiminished interest of the Municipality of Thessaloniki and his will to assist in every way the implementation of the project. "We are in constant communication and cooperation with the Vice-President of the Government Mr. Pikramenos in order to speed up the procedures, to achieve the best possible coordination of the involved bodies and to put the project on track for implementation," he said characteristically.
More: MAYOR OF THESSALONIKI: Speed up the procedures for the Holocaust Museum
May 8, 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II. The word heavy is in no way sufficient to describe the price humanity paid as a result of this war. Millions dead, 23.000.000 soldiers, 57.000.000 civilians. Among them 6.000.000 Jews.
People who did not perish on the battlefields, but were stigmatized, hunted, displaced, tortured, exterminated", emphasizes the Israeli Community of Thessaloniki in its announcement regarding the completion of 75 years since the end of the Second World War
"Today we reverently bend the knee and honor the memory of those who gave their lives to fight the unthinkable and put an end to a nightmare that was based on the prevalence of racism and intolerance. At the same time, we remember and honor those who, after the devastation, found the strength to look ahead and invest in the future in life.
Donation for the purchase of jackets for police officers operating in Evros the Israeli Community of Thessaloniki did a few days ago. The latter offered the sum of 5.500 euros, attempting to strengthen the security forces that together with the army monitor the Greek border at the Evros border line.
"In this difficult period, for our country and the Greek police, which many characterize as a "war period", the mobilization of all Greek organizations, businesses and organizations of our city of Thessaloniki is truly moving. In this context, as the presidency of the Union of Police Officers of Thessaloniki, we came into contact with the Israeli Community of Thessaloniki, which, recognizing the struggle of the police officers, offered the amount of €5.500 euros for the purchase of jackets for the forces of the Directorate of Police Operations of Thessaloniki who operate in Evros.
Once again, the Israeli Community of Thessaloniki declares its presence in difficult times. Really when you experience what you have been hearing for years that "Greeks are united in difficult times", it makes me very proud. We thank everyone who contributed to the implementation of this action", said Mr treasurer of the Union of Police Employees of Thessaloniki Ioannis Mazneikos, accepting the donation.
Source: NATION, 6.4.20
Speaking on Radio Thessaloniki, the president of the Israeli Community of Thessaloniki, David Saltiel, expressed his hope that the issues blocking the Holocaust Museum will be clarified at the next meeting under the Deputy Prime Minister P. Pikrammeno on March 3, 2020.
"We had a rental contract for 15 acres and we had also agreed on the price we paid every month. A short time ago, however, we realized that GAIOSE was not the owner of all these acres. He had three and the rest belonged to the municipality. They changed the contract and did it for three acres," Mr. Saltiel pointed out characteristically to Stefanos Diamantopoulos. At the same time, he spoke of a complicated issue due to ownership, considering that the problems arose because there was no coordinator to clarify things.