On Friday, March 8, 2024, I.K. Larissa had the pleasure of welcoming the students of the Jewish Primary School of the Israelite Community of Thessaloniki. The children with their teachers, on their way to Athens, for the established annual meeting of Jewish school students, made a stop in Larissa, to pick up our own students, but also to get to know our Community.
The newspaper of Larissa "Eleftheria", in its issue of 25.1.2024, released a special insert dedicated to Holocaust Remembrance Day. The dedication (HERE) includes articles and analyzes by: Ambassador of Israel Noam Katz, President of the Israeli Community Moises Manouach, Mayor of Larissa Ath. of I.K. Rita Moysis of Larisa. Also, in the tribute, a photo report of Andrianos Lekkas and Roula Silintzis from Auschwitz is published, while the participation of students of GEL Tyrnavos is important, who through their letters to Anne Frank, Primo Levi, Rozina Pardos give their their message about "Never Again".
The Israelite Community of Larissa expresses its deep sadness and intense concern for him vandalism of the Holy Metropolitan Church of Agios Achillios, on Sunday 4.2.24, with abusive slogans related to gay marriage.
In a statement, I.K. Larisa states: "Any desecration of a public space and much more of a sacred place of assembly and prayer is absolutely condemnable. The democratic society in which we live offers many ways to express opinions and ideologies. Gross vandalism is not and should never be accepted as one of them. Let's hope that we will never again see such shameful images in our city".
The events of honor in memory of the victims of the Holocaust and wishes for the achievement of peace dominated the meeting that the Mayor of Larissa, Mr. Thanasis Mamakos, had with the President of the Central Jewish Council (KIS) of Greece, David Saltiel, on 25.1.2024.
"Let there be Peace, where people fight and are killed. A solution must be found, they must shake hands and we can all move forward peacefully together. What happened in Israel, where 2.000 people were killed for no reason, is on par with the Holocaust. The evil must stop and there must be peace in the region, which unfortunately has not been there for 70 years.
Today is Memorial Day. This means to remember the victims of the Holocaust, the victims who perished in Auschwitz, an unimaginable number - 6 million people, the size of Greece after the war - perished only because they were Jews" noted the President of KIS Greece David Saltiel.
"We remember the Holocaust of the 6 million Jews of Europe - including 67.000 Greek Jews and 235 citizens of our city. We remember and must not forget that the history of the world we live in is a process of perpetual conflict between creative and destructive forces. We will honor the memory of the victims of the Holocaust if we never forget, if we never become complacent, if we never become accomplices, if we never remain silent" said Mr. Mamakos.
the earth: ERT News, 25.1.2024
Memories of the Nazi atrocity "awakened" on the evening of Thursday, January 25, 2024, in a crowded Larissa Municipal Conservatory, the events for the National Day of Remembrance of the Greek Jewish Martyrs and Heroes of the Holocaust.
After the memorial service and the laying of wreaths in the city's Jewish Square, the lighting of candles in memory of the 6 million victims in the DOL amphitheater followed according to the program. The official greetings were of a symbolic nature: the governor of Thessaly, Mr. Dimitris Kouretas, the mayor of Larissa, Mr. Thanasis Mamakos, the president of the Central Jewish Council of Greece, Mr. David Saltiel, and the president of the Board of Directors of the Jewish Community of Larissa, Mr. Moses Manouach, while the saying was recalled as a resounding message "Never again".
The main speaker of the evening was the historian Maria Efthymiou. In her statements to journalists, she emphasized that this is "an important day worldwide, because horrible events of a similar type and extent can easily happen again. Reviewing what happened in World War II only helps us as a human species."
The events were sealed with a musical tribute by the women's choir inDONNAtion under the direction of Dimitris Ktistakis.
Source: OnLarissa.gr 25.1.2024 (With videos of the speeches and photos)